Grow your business with JOL Digital Agency…
Small Business Lead Generation Sacramento SEO
I already know what you’re thinking…
Great, another person trying to sell me leads
A guy, who is 5 states away, is trying to tell me that he can get me local business customers
And then you’re going to say, “Well I use Thumbtack and HomeAdvisor and they charge me $1000 bucks and I get $1000 bucks worth of business…” (I’m gonna let that one sink in)
So what can YOU do for me Jonny…?
Well, as great as those corporate giants sound, let me be the one to tell ya, those companies that are charging you for every lead… THEY ARE A SCAM!!!
Are You Ready To Jump In!?

Now don’t quote me on this, because I do not want to get into any legal trouble 😉
BUT I am pretty sure those companies have robocallers and emailers reaching out so they can charge you more for every single lead!
I know, a corporate company doing shady things to make more money, call me crazy!
Just to be clear, I am not a conspiracy theorist. I DO NOT think the world is flat, but I do think when it comes to lead generation for small businesses,
The best bang for your buck is to hire another small business to do it for ya
Trust me, being self employed myself, I know all the pains, agonies, and worries about spending every last dime on your business
The late nights, the long hours, the “how am I going to cover next month’s rent?” I’ve been there!
But the one thing that can help every small business, is getting more solid leads
Which means more chances to close a customer,
Which means more money being made,
Which means more peace of mind,
And ultimately, expanding that small mom-and-pop business into a reputable force to be reckoned with in your community
“But how do I get more leads???” you might ask
“I’ve talked to so many guys just like you that say they can get me leads and then once I pay them…
Ya might as well of flushed your rent down the toilet for the month

I get it, you’re skeptical, but like I’ve told all my girlfriends,
There’s no need to bring your past boyfriends into our relationship now
This is fresh
This is new
This is And we can be something really really special
(That is my exact line, feel free to use it) 😉
No really, all jokes aside
I can say “I’m so great and blah blah blah,” but I’d rather show ya, let me put my money where my mouth is
Take a look at a case study of a few of my current clients HERE
Heck, you can use Google right now and search for them!
So let me just go ahead and say it,
Look, we need to meet, so somebody can shoot straight with ya
And it might as well be me right?
Here’s the deal,
I am here to bring new customers to your small business
Whether you’re selling a service
Or you have a brick and mortar,
You want customers? I can get you customers
And just think…
Hell, all this time, I have been hiding in plain site
But as they say,
“Sometimes we are too close to really see what is right in front of us.

Top Notch Services for Every Small Business
Lead Generation
Local SEO

And I get it, I do
You have been busy chasing success,
But instead of partnering up with the Lakers to help you win that ship,
You chose the Sacramento Kings. And I hate to say it, but that will take a lot longer to produce a winning season (I live and breathe Sacramento, but I can admit that we are bad. No shame in my game).
If you wake up every morning and truly love and enjoy working for yourself,
You enjoy the hustle,
You enjoy the grind, the sweat, the tears,
You enjoy being your own boss and running your own company,
But the one thing that’s missing is that steady stream of customers
You and me bucko? We were meant for each other!
And I believe
I can help you turn your “ok” business, into a steady, constant stream of continuos business each and every week
And I’ll prove it
Check out my case study on the next page HERE
And once you’re done, give me a call or put in your info below and lets have a chat
All good things start with a chat
I don’t bite
We will talk about your business
And your current marketing strategies
And lets be honest,
You wouldn’t be here reading this rant if your current marketing strategies were bringing in the bacon!

But before you call,
Watch and listen, cuz in five fast minutes…
I’ll windex your worries and leave ya with a streak-free look into the future you want
Plus the fluff free, action steps to get you there
No dumb industry jargon, I promise
Hand holding sold separate
Yup, that’s the catch
But don’t worry, if this isn’t for you, I totally understand. I hate making more money each month too… (that’s a joke btw, I enjoy making money).
The case study shows how my skills help to get you customers
So do yourself a favor
Take 5 minutes
And watch it HERE
Just insert your business name and city into the businesses I show in the video, and imagine…………………..
It could be great!!!

But it takes action on your part!
So here’s my number, 916-848-6278 Call me, maybe?
…Or fill in your info below, either way
Alright, I’m out of breath
If you made it this far, kudos to ya
The magic word is Strawberries
Mention that on our call, and I’ll have a free laugh for ya
Again, watch this video HERE
And call… Or email…